The Coredem

The ‘Coredem’ initiative encourages organisations, networks, social movements and media from different countries to make their resources and documents available online, in order to turn them useful and accessible to external readers, mutualise them through various tools (including a specific search engine), and exchange on shared concerns.

Because sustainable society and global democracy have yet to be built, because water, natural resources, fundamental rights, agriculture, the promotion of a culture of peace or the questions posed by science are shared preoccupations, because the global economic system needs to be reinvented, new tools for information-sharing need to be developed.

Participants of Coredem are linked by the common findings:

> Information is a common which, in the tradition of free software, is reflected in the concepts of empowerment and knowledge sharing 

> Information is a strategic asset 

> Current techniques of information and communication increasing access to knowledge 

> Sharing knowledge, experience are part of the conditions of democracy.

Objectif 1 : Promoting the appropriation and use of digital tools for local and global citizens’ action.

What is this specific search engine ?
On the coredem’s webspace (, there is a new tool, called Scrutari. This specific search engine gives value to a structured information on each website by searching on titles, sub-titles and keywords. It proposes more relevant answers if your website is structured by heading, explicit titles, sub titles and key words.

There are two other options:

  • Integrate Scrutari in your website to offer your visitors a more relevant research than a research simply in a full text
  • Integrate a wider research in the 25 websites to contribute to the mutualization of the resources.

How to join this webspace ?
There are few conditions :
1)selection of the analytics resources : articles, reports, files, books

2)one resource (articles, files, reports, books) = one html’s page

3)Avoid documents on PDF when it is a document with more than 5 pages.
5 pages is the maximum, in order to facilitate reading.

Then, there are mechanisms to create a scrutaridata that will sistematize the link between what is online on your website and what is online on the coredem webspace. (see the joint document)

The Coredem promotes the use of free digital tools in order to facilitate the accessibility and share information. We promote Creative Commons and the use of social media in order to participate into debates inside the Internet

Objectif 2 : Promoting a collective reflection at the national and international level

The building of links between media, NGOs and social movements of the North and the South is developed thanks to the collective publication (review= critique) untitled Passerelle, which consists in a selection of articles on a specific issue from the Coredem webspace and others websites from civil society with relevant resources. It is an opportunity to translate some articles into french so as to promote a diversity of points of view.

Each publication is followed by a meeting between the Coredem participants and more, in order to create a sharing space between a variety of actors. These meetings are called the "Wednesday of the Coredem".
At the moment, four Passerelle and debates have already been done. All the publications were in French, but there are original texts in English on the website.
The four issues were :

the commons as a model to manage natural resources

The governance of innovation and new technology

Challenges of African civil societies

The power on Transnationals

This section's articles

  • Charter Read more of «Charter »

    The interdependance of human society requieres to share actions and knowledge which work for an alternative globalization based on : democracy, accountability, diversity and solidarity.
    Web represents plurality of spaces for the creation and dissemination of information. It contributes to (…)