The interdependance of human society requieres to share actions and knowledge which work for an alternative globalization based on : democracy, accountability, diversity and solidarity.
Web represents plurality of spaces for the creation and dissemination of information. It contributes to making information, knowledge as strategic resources by becoming a reservoir of knowledge and support exchange in which the actors must seize to change.
To do this, the Coredem invests the fields of development and the sharing of information to open up the themes, language and cultural approaches in order to participate in a spread of alternative sustainable societies around plural and solidarity.
Coredem invests the sharing and mutualization of information to open up the themes, language and cultural approaches in order to participate in a spread of alternative sustainable societies.
Joint principles
- Making information technology an opportunity to share analysis and dissemination practices;
- The promotion and dissemination of knowledge and practice involved in the construction of a civic consciousness;
- The exercise of true democracy from the local to global by proposals;
- The promotion of free software facilitates a global circulation of information and breaks with the grab of knowledge;
- Using free software and Creative Commons license to facilitate the sharing of knowledge
- The opening up of actors for sustainable societies, plural and solidaires.
A community, what are the rules?
In order to create a coherent approach, Coredem is based on ethical principles that recognise diversity, plurality, transparency and awareness of the nature of relations in a complex world.
Open space, Coredem stimulate links between networks, collectives, social organizations and the media in order to promote synergies in the production and dissemination of knowledge.
Coredem is founded on the principle of unity in diversity:
- to recognise the specifics of each resource site (vision of the world, public, objectives)
- to respect the diversity of view points and convictions. The socio technical organisation will favour joint perspectives without however attempting to express opinions.
Information and work undertaken by Coredem are shared by:
- Sharing and discussion area
> The search engine which offers Coredem uses Scrutari software, free software. The search engine of Coredem searches members of the Coredem on all its sites. By gathering so, the members of the Coredem lead from a unique page to a vast catalogue of texts and documents.
The Scrutari search engine does not search in full-text, it is going to search the expression or word which interests you in key words, the title and under title, and in fact what they would call the «méta-data of the document. This technical choice aims at emphasizing the efforts of structuring the information performed in the different main sites of Coredem. Scrutari is a supplementary of classical research motors.
> Discut the terms with Lexicommon
The use of terms and concepts is strategic for the direction given to the analysis and experiences. It is important for producers of knowledge and initiators of innovative practices, to have a role in the definition of terms, showing that any use of words is meaningful.
>The "Wednesdays of Coredem" are areas of discussion given opportunity to expose freely the analysis from the research topics that are investing debate, provide decryption on issues where conflicts of interest are pregnant.
Mailing List for Wednesday ( is used to inform the public meetings held to inform and innovations of Coredem.
>The collective review “passerelle” highlights the experiences, analysis and proposals from associations, media, trade unions, citizens and researchers. “Passerelle” is usually published on the occasion of "Wednesdays Coredem". A call for interests has been launched on the list of participants Coredem.
The publication is free online on the website Coredem. You can put it online on the websites of the contributing organizations. The magazine is also distributed in bookstores at a price of 10 euros.
The Coredem is a collective initiative, not an institution.
She comes from a collaboration between the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress (FPH),Exemole and the association Ritimo.
There is a coordination team : Suzanne Humberset, Erika Campelo, Justine Peullemeulle. Vincent Calame. Nils Solari is in charge of the editorial coordination of the Lexicommon. The web development is provided by a collaboration between Vincent Calame (Exemole) and other developers (if present in the association).
In 2012, several working groups will form. Their composition will change depending on the needs of participating organizations. The groups will be designed in the following areas: training, web development, Discussion / Publication; glossary