Founded in 1979 by Bernard Adam, the Group for Research and Information on Peace and security (GRIP) emerged in the specific context of the Cold War. Hence, the first publications focused on the balance of power resulting from the East-West confrontation. Throughout the 1980s, GRIP became well-known for the accuracy of its analyses and information reports on the arms race, its mechanisms and the interests at stake.

With the fall of the Berlin wall and the emergence of new geostrategic dynamics, GRIP has broadened its scope of research and focuses primarily now on security issues. GRIP has acquired recognised expertise in armament and disarmament issues (production, legislation, transfer control, non-proliferation), conflict prevention and crisis management (particularly in Africa), European integration in the area of defence as well as in strategic challenges in the Asia-Pacific region.

GRIP’s goal is to enlighten the population and the decision-makers on complex issues in order to ease international tensions and promote arms reduction for a safer world. Thus, GRIP is working on conflict prevention, disarmament and the improvement of arms control.

GRIP, an independent research centre, has been recognised by the Belgian government (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) as an “organisation d’éducation permanente” (permanent education organisation). The 20-permanent-members of staff include researchers, editing and public relations managers, an archivist and administrative and secretariat staff. Besides this permanent team, GRIP relies on a large network of associate researchers both in Belgium and abroad. It is also active within numerous international research networks.
