The Multinationals Observatory aims to provide independent online news resources and in-depth investigations on the social, ecological and political impact of French transnational corporations, in a way that is useful for the action of civil society, MPs, businesspeople and communities. The website is published by Alter-médias a French non-profit organisation that also runs
the news website
Why the need for a multinationals Observatory?
Because information on the practices of transnational corporations and their social, ecological and political impact is too critical to be left to the communication departments of these companies.
Because reliable and comprehensive information on the practices of French transnational corporations is too rare and too dispersed. And because this information too often remains shrouded in financial and managerial jargon, PR spin – or just in simplistic accusations.
Because information from different sources, giving voice to workers and local communities, is essential to ensure that transnational corporations’ operations make a positive contribution to (or at least remain compatible with) democracy and social and environmental justice.
Because in France, there currently exists no independent information gateway and resource centre on the practices of transnational corporations (particularly French ones).